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The following downloads are available to help when making a purchase of a Columbia Winch or Hoist, as well as to help determine the best deployment of your unit, with details such as mounting, rigging, and wire rope specifics.

Please contact us for details when deciding on what unit would be appropriate for your needs.

Allied Power Products manufactures Columbia Winches and Hoists, and has been providing specialized systems to commercial, industrial and government users for more than 34 years. Call us today for a solution to your needs at 503.626.0654.

Warranty (Document 35B)
Terms and Conditions (Document 47C)
Columbia Application Worksheet (Document 39D)
Columbia Brochure (Document 34E)
Davit Application Worksheet (Document 131A)
Rigging Layouts(Document 145D)
Parachute Hoist Rigging Layouts(Document 180A)
Winches Versus Hoists(Document 136A)
Work-Energy-Power-Force(Document 139A)
Line Pull(Document 146B)
Utilizing Multiple Parts of Line(Document 147B)
Railcar Rigging Layouts(Document 162A)
Calculating Line Pull to Move Railcars(Document 148C)
Operating Environment(Document 149B)
Line Speed(Document 150B)
Horsepower(Document 151B)
Travel Distance(Document 152B)
Wire Rope Size(Document 153C)
Duty Cycle(Document 154B)
Fleet Angle(Document 155B)
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